Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas in the Village

A little history from one of the founders of this popular annual event, one that is growing in popularity each year. It represents what people can do when they get together as a community.

Christmas in the Village 2006
By Keith Gordon

8th Annual Christmas in the Village will take place on Saturday December 2, 2006.

Christmas in the Village started over a cup of coffee and a Snapple at Tom’s Place. Tom Caliendo, owner of Tom’s, and myself were talking about how we could bring some additional unity back to the Village of South Meriden. We decided to have a yearly Christmas in the Village celebration not knowing if it would take off and continue. It took off and it has been continuing each year even though we did get snowed out around three years ago. Tom and I started to talk to other stake holders in the Village, i.e., business, neighborhood leaders, churches, schools, South Meriden Fire and our community police officers. Well, we put it together, and the first year we had over 600 attend. The event now brings over 2,000 each year to the Village where neighbors greet neighbors, friends meet friends, and newcomers come and meet new friends and families come together to enjoy the sprit of the holidays.
We open the event with the Santa parade at 2:00 p.m. led by the Washington Drum Corp and a host of seasonal personalities. Santa is then stationed at The Fire Station where children get the opportunity to sit with Santa and tell him their holiday requests and get their pictures taken. Kellie and Sean Moore provide holiday music and sing-alongs from the beginning to the end at the fire station, along with face painting which is provided to all who choose to enjoy the art of Ruth Gordon from Fantasy faces by Ruth. For the past two years we have had Meriden Police crime prevention officer Tom Cirillo and his assistant doing AMBER Alert registration at the fire station. Also this registration helps keep our children safe and is a free service.
South Meriden Trinity United Methodist has a children’s bazaar and games, and
New Life Church this year will have a Living Nativity and goodies to munch on.
If everything goes correctly
Hanover School will have its annual holiday book sale also.
The Main stage has entertainment happening during the event with master of ceremonies Ralph Riello giving away numerous gift items. There is the world’s best baked cinnamon apples stationed at Data Link Corp. located at
Main and Camp Street, manned by Jim Cournoyer and Ed Haberli and crew. We have popcorn, chestnuts, cider, candy and hot chocolate. There are games and arts and crafts. The Meriden Library book mobile is out on Main Street also. We also have participation from the stores on Main Street, Deb’s Deli, Panda House, our New Karate School, Pet Parlor, Canine Training School, and the South Meriden Package Store. The two horse drawn wagons travel around the Village giving scenic rides, letting people off at several stops along the way.
Hanover School students supply the artwork decoration for the storefront windows, and the Christmas in the Village committee decorates the streetlights with seasonal wreaths that have been purchased by the committee.
South Meriden Volunteer Fire Fighters handle the Bon Fire each year that is located at the
Riverside Park on Main Street. The Christmas tree at Riverside Park will be lit by a student from Hanover School while seasonal songs are song with Mr. and Mrs. Santa a little after 5:00 p.m.

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