Friday, April 06, 2007

Budget Time

There have been two meetings so far concerning the 2007-2008 Municipal Budget. Both have been televised, and based on feedback I've been getting around town, that's been appreciated.

The Finance Committee has heard presentations from Planning, Code and Enforcement, Public Utilities, Public Works, Parks and Rec, Police, Fire, Library and Finance. The council members have been asking good questions, not necessarily poking holes in the City Manager's recommendations, but not leaving them unchallenged either. Especially in the Police and Finance budgets, both which have positions either being left unfilled (Police) or eliminated (the Tax Collector in the Finance Department). The latter is the most radical, and bears close scrutiny.

I've told my fellow councilors that everyone of us has favorite areas we've supported over the's no secret I've worked hard over the years to keep the BOE satisfactorily funded to meet its goals, and the Library open and staffed as much as possible...but this year the line must be seen and held.

The public is invited to listen and ask questions of the staff or councilors regarding the budget. Unfortunately, only one or two do, and they are at most meetings enjoying their time in front of the camera. The BOE's budget is on tap for review next Thursday, April 12. As it consumes near half the city budget, it would be a good one for people who have strong opinions to come and ask their questions. You will get answers...maybe not the ones you want, but this is the time and place. Brian Kogut has been doing a good job managing this portion of the meetings, making sure questions are asked and answered. As he points out, the time for comment will be at the public hearing, scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, starting at 6 pm. We've arranged to have the public hearing held at Lincoln Middle School, and it will be video-taped. Again, that time is for public comment, not debate, on the budget. The Council will be listening, I assure you. Of course, your input via the normal channels, letters to the editor, emails or calls to the council members, informal meetings around town at the stores, fields, coffee shops and restaurants, or even posts to this blog will be acknkowledged as well. At least by this councilor...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has the website gone silent?